AirMedic Specialistmottagning

- AME Aviation Medical Examiner - flight surgeon - JAR-FCL
- DMO Diving Medical Officer - Scubadiving. EDTC-certified


CPL (Commercial Pilot License)

PPL (Private Pilot License)
S   (glider), UL (ultralight), FB (free balloon), AFIS.

After personal agreement we can offer early morning and late evening consultations.

Before booking, pls. fill patients selfreportform (below)

DOCUMENTS needed at the medical visit:
application form
1652-2  Application Form for Aviation Medical Certificate
2 pilot license,
3 latest medical certificate,
4 if glasses/lenses new or changed - optical prescription.
5 ID-card or passport
6 e-mail selfreportform (below)

You will find all application forms in the waiting room - it saves a lot of time if you have them completed before the visit.


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